FontDescriptor implementation

A font descriptor specifies metrics and other attributes of a simple font or a CIDFont as a whole, as distinct from the metrics of individual glyphs. These font metrics provide information that enables a viewer application to synthesize a substitute font or select a similar font when the font program is unavailable. The font descriptor may also be used to embed the font program in the PDF file.

package Zend_Pdf
subpackage Fonts
copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
license New BSD License


Object constructor




Object constructor

factory(\Zend_Pdf_Resource_Font $font, \Zend_Pdf_FileParser_Font_OpenType $fontParser, integer $embeddingOptions) : \Zend_Pdf_Element_Dictionary

The $embeddingOptions parameter allows you to set certain flags related to font embedding. You may combine options by OR-ing them together. See the EMBED_ constants defined in Zend_Pdf_Font for the list of available options and their descriptions.

Note that it is not requried that fonts be embedded within the PDF file to use them. If the recipient of the PDF has the font installed on their computer, they will see the correct fonts in the document. If they don't, the PDF viewer will substitute or synthesize a replacement.







Font parser object containing parsed TrueType file.



Options for font embedding.



